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Vetala Beta

One important change that I should note is that this fixes code editor not loading in Maya 2020

  • os.environ['VETALA_PROJECT_PATH'] added, but not heavily tested yet
  • process.set_data_override is an important new update for templating. You initialize a process instance and then you can point to the data of another process instance. This allows you to have a central process where your code runs from, while using the data of the current process. This is being used heavily at Squeeze and is working without bugs.
  • geo.get_closest_position_on_surface_at_parameter(surface, param_u, param_v)
  • geo.get_closest_position_on_surface(surface, vector)
  • api.get_vector_rotation(target_vector, start_vector = [1,0,0], factor = 1) - this will give a vector that represents the rotation from one vector to another
  • space.orient_y_to_child(joint, invert = False) similar function to space.orient_x_to_child
  • util.BoundingBox has a new option to get_size_no_y that will get distance between the min and max vector of the bounding box without the y component. This is useful for fitting controls to models without taking into account the height.
  • The new rigs.FaceSlider class is being worked on. Currently it uses a particular input to work that I will detail in the future
  • Auto complete can now find class variables, more work on this in the future
  • data Export attributes now tries to filter some attributes that can't be set like inverseScale and dofMask
  • when using transfer_blendshape_targets it now check if the mesh is different before adding the shape. This probably needs to be optional in the future, but for now is always on.
  • process.get_option_match more stable - again this function finds any option that matches names with the query. This can be helpful for finding options that are grouped.
  • some pickwalk fixes
  • ui.tool_manager has always had the option to pass in a directory. However it was never doing anything. Now if you pass a directory, Vetala will use that directory has the default project and open to the default project. This can be useful if you need to make sure Vetala initializes to a certain directory. For example shotgun toolkit has been set to project Goo and asset is Foo, now you can have Vetala set its project to somewhere contextual to that. This has been tested on my machine, but seems to not be working everywhere.
  • Aim ribbon joints now has maintain offset on for the constraint
  • process.get_code_children was also returning codes that were outside the children scope.
Windows Installer
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Windows Folders
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Linux Folders
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