- Jaw rig now has the option to follow world instead of just local.
- Check UI now has a check for references.
- Mirror selected only button
- Mirror R to L button
- Mirror Create button
- Orient selected only button
- Added notes section between Options and Templates. Right click show notes in the process view.
- Slight improvement to drag and drop in the manifest.
- deform.match_geo_blendshape now has the option to pick an index. Which allows for more than one geometry in the blendshape.
- reduced the size of items in process list and other list.
- floating code window improvements including versions in the code window, and it will no longer go in front of dialogues.
- logs are now available after processing by right clicking on a process and picking show last log. If you want something to show up in the log use show() instead of print in the code edit.
- api MeshFunction now has get_closest_normal
- geo.plane_to_curves added to create curves on a polygon plane
- geo.create_quill added to create quills from curves
- geo.transfer_from_curve_to_curve can transfer curves on one curve to another curve. Good for feather work.
- deform tab in the ui now has more options
- controls tab now has an option to replace shape. Thanks Mark Neil for the inspiration!
- space.delete_constraints added
- util.vector_sub added
- core.print_warning added
- aim and up for joint orient changed from joints to locators
- fixed show_channel_box for maya 2017/2018
- handled error when missing source or target in deform.create_wrap
- IkLegRig now has an option to set the ankle offset axis
- when writing a file, if it errors it will wait a bit. This was needed for notes.
- geo.nurb_surface_u_to_transforms added
- IkScapulaRig now has the ability to hide the aim goal control.
- rigs_util.TwistRibbon added
- attr.get_attribute_name added
- rigs now have the ability to connect the subVisibility up to an arbitrary attribute.
- added file size to the data view.
- added blendshape.recreate_targets()
- curve.get_library_shape_names added
- core.add_to_set command added, will create the named set if not present.
- deform.blend_into_intermediate added
- space.get_ik_from_joint added
- transfer_joint_to_joint was not properly using weights on specified joints. This is now fixed.
- transfer_joints_to_new_joints Would not transfer to a list of joints that included the source joint. This is now fixed.
- space.get_axis_vector fixed. This is useful for finding out where a transform is pointed.
- small fix to mirror invert button. Should work a bit better now.
- util.QuickSort fixed to return the follow array as well.
- geo.get_closest_uv_on_mesh_at_curve fixed
- rigs_util.fix_sub_controls now works when passing a name of a control.
- Check ui, fix for empty groups now skips joints
- StretchChain effectors now get their name incremented to avoid clashing.
- Fixed blendshape.Blenshape.recreate_all
- pyside is now found more reliably when switching between Maya 2016 and Maya 2017
- breakpoint now works on code that is unchecked. It won't skip over them.
- When in the code tab, sub process that a green will no longer auto build. It will only build what's in the code tab.
- There is no longer the ability to click on a code tab and make it into its own window. It was causing Maya to crash. Set Option to open in new window in the preferences.