Vetala Beta 0.4.4
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:15 pm
- Added
- core.remove_non_existent(list_value) will return a list that has entries that don't exist in maya removed.
- core.set_tool_to_select() used before progress bar to hide some status line updates
- core.set_tool(context) added, used to programmatically set the current tool
- core.get_tool() returns the current tool
- core.delete_set(set_name) added. This a convenience to delete a set and all of the sets parented under it. Good for removing set_controls
- rigs_util.get_potential_top_control(top_group) looks at the controls and tries to find the control that moves all other controls.
Fixes - TransferWeight.transfer_joints_to_new_joints no longer works on joints that don't exist as well as some fixes
- Corrective mirror fix.
- rigs_util.Control.rotate_order(order) fixed
- rigs_util.get_potential_controls(top_group, namespace = None) fixes, top_group wasn't getting read properly
- rig_utils.MirrorControlKeyframes tested and some errors fixed.
Improvements - joint orient attributes inverse scale now works when there is one child. It will give warnings if there are grand children. Be careful when working with negative scale in a hierarchy.
- joint orient attributes XYZ inverse scale added. This will require you to run joint orient once on the joint to get the option updated.
- Workspace docking now works with Maya better
- Control tags only export on controls, this cleans up some control tag scene garbage that was happening
- follicle_to_mesh now uses rotate pivot to find closest face instead of translate. For most cases this should act the same. When follicle a cluster it should work better.